LACR Bolton Branch

Bolton Branch

Branch Officers (2022)

SecretaryEric Morgan
Ringing MasterSam Brook

Branch Towers

Bolton Branch of the Lancashire Association of Change Ringers comprises members who regularly ring the bells at the following churches along with a few who are not attached to a particular tower.

There are other towers in the area that used to contain bells such as St George, Bolton and churches no longer in existence as in the case of the Church of the Saviour. References can be found elsewhere on this site.


Branch Rules

This is an extract from the LACR Rules as published in the Annual Report distributed in 2018.


(a) The Association shall be divided into convenient branches, the management of which shall be conducted as hereinafter provided.

(b) No tower shall be transferred from one branch to another without the written consent of a majority of the ringers at the tower concerned and after discussion by the Central Committee and with the approval of the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

(c) The branch affairs shall be managed by a Chairman and/or Ringing Master, Secretary and Committee, the constitution of the Committee being decided by the Branch. Two of the Branch Committee shall represent the Branch on the Association Committee, it being advisable that one should be the Branch Secretary. The Branch Secretary shall be responsible for collecting subscriptions from:
(i) All newly elected members.
(ii) All unattached Members of the Branch, and forwarding these subscriptions to the General Secretary.

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