LACR Bolton Branch

The Coronation of King Charles III

Official Coronation Logo  

King Charles III acceded the throne on 8th September2022 when his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, died.

Ringing took place around the country in respect of Her Majesty and in celebration of the new monarch, King Charles III.

The Coronation weekend of 5th - 8th May 2023 was an opportunity to ring as many bells across the country, and the world, as possible. A recruitment campaign called "Ring for the King" had introduced the art of bellringing to many new faces. Now was the time to put these skills to good use.

Bolton Parish Church

Coronation Ringers

Ringing in the Bolton area started on Friday 5th May at Bolton Parish Church. The ringers there were:

Registered on BellBoard/Ringing World, a certificate recognises the event. Download from HERE.


Bolton, All Souls

Coronation Ringers

Bright and early, at 9am, on Coronation Day, 6th May, the bells rang out from the tower of All Souls. The ringers came from around Bolton and Blackburn. Ringing continued until about 9:45am before continuing the tour of local towers.

Registered on BellBoard/Ringing World, a certificate recognises the event. Download from HERE.


Deane, St Mary

Coronation Ringers

Ringing started in this ancient Parish Church at 10:00am. Many from the All Souls session arrived and general ringing took place.

Registered on BellBoard/Ringing World, a certificate recognises the event. Download from HERE.


Horwich, Holy Trinity

At 9:45am, the bells at Horwich rang out across the town.

Registered on BellBoard/Ringing World, a certificate recognises the event. Download from HERE.


Westhoughton, St Bartholomew

Ringing took place between 10:15am and 10:45am. Also at the moment of Coronation.

Registered on BellBoard/Ringing World, a certificate recognises the event. Download from HERE.


Blackrod, St Katherine

Following the Coronation, ringing resumed. This time at St Katherine's, Blackrod from 2pm.

Registered on BellBoard/Ringing World, a certificate recognises the event. Download from HERE.


Out of area ringing

Some of the Bolton ringers went outside the area, including St Jude's, Immanuel and Blackburn Cathedral.


Westhoughton, St Bartholomew

Coronation Ringers

A Quarter Peal of 1260 Plain Bob Triples was rung from 7pm. The band were:

Registered on BellBoard/Ringing World, a certificate recognises the event. Download from HERE.


There is a video of ringing at All Souls and Deane available on YouTube entitled Ringing for the Coronation of King Charles III (


And to sweeten things...

Coronation Honey

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